In return, the facility can convert raw material goods into finished product goods that usually have a higher sell price, allowing the player to profit from the difference. A Productive Enterprise is a feature exclusive to Mount&Blade: Warband that allows a player to build a small industrial facility for a large initial lump-sum plus a weekly maintenance fee. If it's because you mostly enjoy the combat and leading troops, kenshi could be a tad on the extreme side. Available Productive Enterprises as offered by the Guild Master.
If why you like M&B is for the freedom and roleplaying that you get to do, you'll love kenshi. By the same token, that added element of danger adds so much to the roleplaying and enjoyment of the game, just don't be surprised if many of your first games turn to complete disaster in the blink of an eye until you get the hang of it. The penalty for your group fighting a load of cannibals and losing will be to watch every single one of them be hacked into pieces and eaten with nothing to do about it, and your run being dead. By comparison, kenshi leaves you with that feeling of being just another person, hell just another peasant even, for far longer. As a person who loves both games, I'd have to say one of the big differences is that while you're not really the chosen one in M&B you really start to feel your impact in the world quickly.